
round and its basic configurations


round may show handpainted graphics, whether ornamental or text

details and options

round shows personalized details, choose your favorite

our workshop

round shows a lot of passion and craftsmanship

Perfect heat storage and slim design

Round fits everywhere - whether an old castle or a passive house


round, designed and handcrafted in Lower Austria

despite of slim dimensions our wood fired ceramic stove shows best-in-class heat storage characteristics

round is assembled on demand only, answering your preferred color and decoration

Our next shows

Showroom by appointment only –

please give us a call.

Thank you for your understanding.


many stoves, even more details

Your benefits

our service

Round is a small wood-fired heater

round shows identical heat storage characteristics as bigger heaters. Being more leightweighted round fits as an additonal heating, or fits even passive houses in a perfect way.

Our ceramic workshop

round benefits of outstanding design, the ceramic facing being produced in our own ceramic workshop in Lower Austria. 

Product design and development

Best-in-class heat storage components (pdf) used for round we know in detail: Product management and customer trainings are part of Paul Polatschek's job at Ortner GmbH, Lower Austria. 

Design and artwork

Design is everywhere at any time. Design is our core activity though. We have a look at artwork and technical details simultaneously when developing your personal round project.